Will Ai be reincarnated in Oshi No Ko? The teen idol's twisted fate, explained

Following the success of Oshi No Ko's premiere, fans of the anime were left asking questions about their teen idol Ai Hoshino. While she has already passed away in the anime, she is still a very vital character in the series, causing fans to believe that she will be reincarnated.

Oshi No Ko sees Ai Hoshino give birth to twin siblings Aquamarine and Ruby Hoshino, both of whom were the reincarnations of Dr. Amamiya and patient Sarina. Given how these two characters were able to reincarnate, fans have reason to believe that Ai will also get reincarnated.

Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from the Oshi No Ko manga.

Oshi No Ko: Will Ai Hoshino reincarnate in the future?

Ai Hoshino as seen in the anime (Image via Doga Kobo)

For now, there is no indication that Ai Hoshino will get reincarnated in the series. Considering that she passed away when both Aqua and Ruby were about four years old, the chances of a character being younger by four years or more than Aqua and Ruby and yet be vital to the series seems slim. Thus, the chances of Ai Hoshino being reincarnated in the Oshi No Ko series seems slim.

The only possible way in which Ai could get reincarnated in the series is if one of the two protagonists, Aqua or Ruby, has a child that happens to be Ai's reincarnation. But that could possibly only happen near the end of the series.

What happened to Ai Hoshino?

Ai Hoshino as seen in the Oshi No Ko anime (Image via Doga Kobo)

Ai Hoshino was a teen idol who gave birth to twin children Aqua and Ruby. Given that the entertainment industry condemned idols for having lovers and children, Ai had to hide that she was a mother.

Unfortunately, an obsessed fan came to know about Ai's children and decided to pay her a visit, during which he stabbed her with a knife, inadvertently killing her.

Who killed Ai Hoshino?

The disgruntled stalker in the Oshi No Ko anime (Image via Doga Kobo)

While Ai Hoshino was killed by a disgruntled fan, he was manipulated by the father of Aqua and Ruby, former actor Himaru Kamiki. He was the person responsible for giving the fan Ai's address, following which the fan killed Ai after overflowing with emotions.

Hikaru knew that the fan would be over-obsessed about Ai and would kill her. Akane was able to deduce how Himaru was a serial killer, however, in the past, he wasn't as brave, due to which he made use of proxies, as seen in the case of Ai Hoshino.

How did Ai Hoshino get pregnant?

Hikaru Kamiki as seen in the Oshi No Ko manga (Image via Twitter/@kanzcolor34)

When Ai Hoshino was 15 years old, she attended a workshop at Lalalie Theatrical Company. At the time, 14-year-old Hikaru Kamiki was also part of the Lalaie Theatrical Company where the two met.

A year later, Hikaru got close to Ai and impregnated her, meaning that Ai was 16 and Hikaru was 15 at the time. Thus, even if Hikaru were to be caught for the act, he would not get punished due to his age at the time of the crime.

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