Who is the advertising manager? Interview with Ali Pourmohamad, a successful producer

An advertising manager is a person who is responsible for introducing a brand to its audience as well as possible. In essence, an advertising manager is responsible for developing a business, implementing plans to make it look better, and managing the ways in which a business can identify its target audience and introduce its brand to them. In the meantime, the arrangement of methods (advertising strategy) should be designed and supervised by the advertising manager.

A professional advertising manager should have a special relationship with the sales and marketing team. In many successful companies seen in the field of advertising, their advertising management is a professional marketer who has the power to discern what and how and when and why a method to introduce a product or brand.

The main tasks of an advertising manager:

. Identify brand goals

. Identify the target audience

. Planning for short-term and long-term development

. Investigate the market and identify suitable opportunities for advertising

. Creating a suitable platform to better introduce the brand in various advertising spaces

. Make the most of your sales and marketing team to increase advertising planning. . . Customer and sales

. Monitoring advertising ideas and how to run and display ads.

Check him out on instagram.com/ali
