Sarah Jessica Parker & Kim Cattrall: the aging diva battle continues


Ever since Sex and the City became a cultural phenomenon (back around season 2, or roughly nine years ago), it’s been an open secret that Kim Cattrall and Sarah Jessica Parker don’t really care for each other. Despite some people wanting it to be some kind of petty catfight, I tend to think they simply aren’t all that friendly, but are able to maintain a professional, working relationship. The relationship has had its challenges of course – when SJP became a producer on the show, some said Kim resented the control SJP had. Some also claimed that Kim held out for the biggest paychecks for the SATC films. None of that may be true, or parts of it, or all of it. Still, the rumors persist, and Kim and SJP have had to address them.

Recently, in her Elle Magazine cover story, SJP defended her relationship with Kim once again, saying, “I don’t think anybody wants to believe that I love Kim. I adore her. I wouldn’t have done the movie without her. Didn’t and wouldn’t.” But sources are now telling In Touch Weekly that there’s still some snottiness going around – this time about how the two actresses are aging:

Although reports of feuding between Kim Cattrall, 53, and Sarah Jessica Parker, 44, were often denied, there was no mistaking in the first SATC movie that Kim’s character, Samantha, was imposed with a real attack on aging: Samantha celebrated her 50th birthday – she grew fat and even split with her hunky younger love interest.

The movie’s sequel looks no different: In one scene, an embarrassed Samantha shows up wearing the same outfit as teen queen Miley Cyrus.

Setsiders say the candid photos from the set prove there is a real age war erupting: SJP looks much older than her younger character, Carrie, and older than Samantha, so this attempt of not letting Samantha shine is proving the rumors have life.

Ironically, Kim has no desire to look like the younger Sarah Jessica. Samantha’s been known for her body, not her face, and she’s not afraid to show it!

[From In Touch Weekly, print edition, November 23, 2009]

Part of the reason I’ve always loved Kim (but not always her character Samantha) is because Kim seems like the most gifted physical comedienne of the group. The scripts for the television show and the films always have Kim doing a lot of physical comedy work (much more than the other actresses), and she always nails it brilliantly. If the physical comedy weren’t also so sexual, I think Kim would get a lot more credit as comedic actress. My point: I don’t think Kim minds the physical comedy aspect of the Samantha role, nor would she mind playing off the running gags that Samantha is, in fact, much older than the other girls. It’s how the character has always been written, and it’s one of Kim’s many strengthes as an actress. As for the whole “SJP looks older” thing – well… I hate to say it, but Kim just seems to be aging with more grace than SJP. Maybe it’s good genes, maybe she takes care of herself, whatever.

Sarah Jessica Parker and Kim Cattrall playing nice on the set of ‘Sex and the City 2’ in New York on September 8, 2009. Credit: Fame.
