Papering the house: classical music's dark secret

An interesting item on Norman Lebrecht’s always informative and entertaining, often acerbic and provocative blog Slipped Disc reports this week that the once-mighty Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra – André Previn, Lorin Maazel and Mariss Jansons among its former Music Directors – is having a hard time selling tickets. Average sales in the current season at its palatial home in the Heinz Hall have recently dropped to 57 per cent of capacity, and there’s no strategy for recovery.

So many orchestras are confronting similar slumps that this may sound like stale buns, but what does interestingly emerge from the Pittsburghers’ statement is the incidental open admission that out of the total of roughly 167,000 tickets issued, some 17,000 were “complimentary”.

This dark practice, shrouded in mystery and evasion for obvious reasons, is known in the business as “papering the house”. In an attempt to make figures look healthier than they are, many cultural organisations to my knowledge will not make it clear in their accounts that their attendances include the distribution of a substantial number of freebies. For instance, I was once told by an insider that on average ENO papers the Coliseum to about 10 per cent of capacity, though this has been officially denied.

(In the interests of full disclosure, I should explain that most members of the press generally receive a pair of tickets, plus a programme and sometimes a glass of wine in the interval, but this seems fair return in terms of the amount of column inches – for good or ill – that we provide. Compared to the amount that buying such space as commercial advertisement would cost, it could even be argued that we come cheap.)

How are complimentary tickets spread around? A certain amount will be slipped last-minute to staff, which seems a perfectly proper perk. But for shows that need a bigger boost, recourse will be made to a secret insider list of bloggers, blaggers, hangers-on, friends of friends, educational and care institutions, and assorted worthies of both school and bus-pass age.

The ethics of this aren’t clear-cut.

Few things are more lowering for performers and audience alike than the sight of black holes of empty seats, and the assumption is that these “guests” will buy a drink at the bar and swell the coffers by spreading the word.

But rather like tax avoidance, paying for a ticket is not something that anybody wants to do if given the option of not paying – which doesn’t seem fair on those who have. If you gauge that the people sitting next to you are benefiting from exactly the same experience as you are without parting with a penny, an atmosphere of resentment and suspicion will develop, undermining the simple principle of the advertised price for a ticket.

So if it isn’t strictly managed, papering the house, like internet discounting and “dynamic pricing”, is a trick which yields theatres and concert halls short-term gains and long-term loss. As Confucius didn’t say, papering over the cracks in your house may lead you to forget to re-plaster the walls.
