Kourtney Kardashian's Sign and Astrological Chart

There's a line in Taylor Swift's "Paper Rings" that goes: "I hate accidents, except when we went from friends to this." The lyric must have really resonated with Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker. Strictly platonic for years, the couple went official with their relationship in 2021 and tied the knot in 2022. Kardashian and Barker welcomed their first child together in November 2023, son Rocky, who joined the pair's blended family. (Both have three children from previous relationships). 

The sky seems to be the limit for the The Kardashians star and Blink-182 drummer, and speaking of the sky, a celestial reading of the pair's astrological charts may help us to unpack their hot and heavy chemistry and see what's in store for their future.

Keep scrolling for Kardashian and Barker's zodiac compatibility.

Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker's Sun Signs

Barker (born Nov. 14, 1975, 8:59 p.m. in Fontana, Calif.) was born with his sun in fixed water sign Scorpio, while Kardashian (born April 18, 1979, 3:15 a.m. in Los Angeles) was born with her sun in cardinal fire sign Aries.

In general, this is considered an awkward pairing, or quincunx, but when you look more closely at how both signs function, it's no surprise that they're drawn to one another. Both signs are extremely passionate and intense. The difference is that Scorps tend to dig their heels in, while Aries is impulsive and quick to move on to the next thing. The easiest way to think about it: Together, water and fire make for, well, steam.

Fiery Moon-Mars Connection

If you dig deeper into the couple's charts, you'll notice that there's so much more to their connection. One of the main characteristics: Kardashian's Mars — the planet of action and sex — sits at eight degrees Aries, while Barker's moon — his emotional compass — is at 10 degrees Aries.

The combination of one person's sex drive and the other person's intuition and astrological heart, if you will, make for an off-the-charts sexual and emotional connection. The moon person (Barker) provides a sense of security for the Mars person (Kardashian), while the Mars person has an energizing effect on the moon person. Sharing this connection in competitive, go-getter Aries (ruled by Mars) adds even more fire, chemistry, and impulsiveness to the mix.

It also bears noting that Barker's Midheaven (MC) — an angle on his chart, which sits on the cusp of the 10th House of Career that speaks to a person's public image and life path — is also conjunct Kardashian's Mars, so the two are very aware of how they appear as a couple in the spotlight and fuel one another's ambitions.

Harmonious Sun-Venus Trine

Kardashian's natal Venus, which speaks to her love language and romance style, is at 24 degrees Pisces, so she's tenderhearted, a true romantic, and very compassionate and empathic. Meanwhile, Barker's sun is at 22 degrees Scorpio, so he's also used to being in his feelings.

These two placements form a harmonizing trine to one another, indicating that her relationship style is in tune with his core identity, making it easy for them to get in sync on how they want to be loved. In couples who share this aspect, the sun person (Barker) often admires the Venus person's (Kardashian) style, and the Venus person finds the sun person super magnetic and admirable.

Their Rising Signs

Barker was born with his rising sign, or ascendant, at 24 degrees Cancer (yep, he's a super watery guy), while Kardashian's Jupiter — how she makes her luck — is at 29 degrees Cancer. That combo brings them plenty of organic joy and fortune as a pair. Together, they're more optimistic, upbeat, hopeful, and feel a sense of abundance.

Spiritual Compatibility

Kardashian's Neptune — the planet of spirituality — is at 10 degrees Sagittarius, forming a positive, helpful trine to Barker's Saturn — the planet of restrictions, limitations, and hard work — is at two degrees Leo. This combo indicates that the two might have come together to do some deep, inner work together. Kardashian's imagination and sense of romance work for Barker, and when she's wearing her rose-colored glasses for too long and needs a reality check, Barker should be able to help with that in a productive way. After having been on various relationship roller coasters (hey, Scott Disick), Barker could actually feel like a grounding force for Kardashian.

Their Future

It's no surprise that this charismatic couple has had a longstanding friendship and is now acting on what's surely been underlying chemistry all this time. They're genuinely very similar, sharing a good deal of water (Kardashian's Pisces and Barker's Scorp and their Cancer bond) and fire (their Aries conjunction and Neptune-Saturn connection).

The fire is what we see on the surface, but underlying all those half-naked makeout shots, it's likely there's a lot of emotion, sensitivity, and support between this deeply-feeling pair. Both are super-family-oriented and doting parents, and they no doubt connect on that, thanks to all their emotional water.
