Institut Le Rosey Acceptance Rate, School Fees, Dorms, Students, Summer Camp, Gstaad Campus, Uniform

Institut Le Rosey Switzerland

Institut Le Rosey commonly referred to as Le Rosey or simply Rosey, is a boarding school in Rolle, Switzerland. It was founded by Paul-Émile Carnal in 1880 on the site of the 14th-century Château du Rosey in the town of Rolle in the Canton of Vaud. It is one of the oldest boarding schools in Switzerland. Le Rosey is the world’s most expensive boarding school.

The school also owns a campus in the ski resort village of Gstaad in the Canton of Bern, to where the student body, faculty, and staff move during the months of January through March. In 2015, Christophe Gudin, the son of the fourth director of Le Rosey Philippe Gudin, became the fifth one. Michael Gray is the headmaster.

In 2014, Le Rosey inaugurated the Paul & Henri Carnal Hall, an arts and learning centre for Le Rosey and the La Côte region. The school is also planning the sale of its Gstaad winter campus, and a move to a location that can accommodate more personnel and students.

Institut Le Rosey Image

Institut Le Rosey Acceptance Rate

How to become a Rosey student

Stage 1

Complete the admissions application online via the link below. If the link is not working, download the necessary documents: Registration “Cadets, Jeunes Seniors, Seniors” (cl. 5 to t) Registration “Juniors” (cl. 9 to 6) or ask the Rosey secretariat to send them to you. Prepare a copy of your academic record and a Medical Report completed by your doctor. Ask the headteacher or academic dean at your school to complete an Academic Recommendation Form. All documents must be sent via email or post to : Château du Rosey – service des admissions – 1180 Rolle – Switzerland

Stage 2

Let’s get to know each other
You will be invited to spend a day on the campus to explore the school, familiarise yourself with its ambiance, meet members of the admissions team, undergo a few interviews as well as some admissions examinations. If you cannot come to Le Rosey, you will sit the admissions examinations with a Rosey alumnus or in your current school, and the interview will be conducted via Skype.

Stage 3

Admission, waiting list or denial
The admissions team examines files as soon as they are complete and the registration fees have been paid throughout the year. Your chances of admission are nevertheless better if you apply earlier; Le Rosey accepts 80 to 90 new students each year and receives an average of 400 applications. Your place on the waiting list varies depends on your gender, age and nationality (because of the maximum quota of 10% per country or group of countries).

Oline Application Form

Institut Le Rosey Tuition | Institut Le Rosey Fees – Institut Le Rosey Price

Tuition fees. As of 2011/12, the annual boarding and academic fees are CHF 125,000 (approximately $133,000 USD), without extra fees such as sports, etc. This makes Le Rosey the most expensive school in the world.

Le Rosey Summer Camp

Our 2 Campuses

Lake Geneva Campus

In Rolle by Lake Geneva, 30km from Geneva city, Le Rosey’s main campus (for the boys) and the La Combe campus (for the girls) are situated within landscaped grounds covering 30 hectares.

The campus was established in 1880 in the Château du Rosey, with its extensive estate. The historic original building, dating back to the 14th century, was then a run-down medieval castle, but it was carefully renovated and the campus improved during the 20th century.

The Paul & Henri Carnal Hall, known as the school’s Arts & Learning Centre, counts with a cooking lab, visual arts and photography rooms, dance, theatre and music studios. At the heart of the building, the 900-seat Rosey Concert Hall is located.

Today, our Rolle campus boasts some 15 different buildings hosting a complete range of academic, sports and arts activities, and offering boarding accommodation for some 400 students, teachers and staff.

School and boarding facilities:

  • 186 bedrooms (1-3 beds) most with ensuite bathrooms
  • 53 classrooms
  • 8 science laboratories
  • 14 specially-equipped rooms: music, orchestra, art, IT, study halls, conference rooms
  • 13 games rooms, lounges and fully-equipped kitchens in the boarding houses
  • 48 apartments for teachers living in the boarding houses
  • 2 infirmaries
  • A theatre
  • 2 gymnasia
  • 4 specially-equipped sports rooms: 2 fitness rooms, 1 martial arts and 1 dance studio
  • 3 dining rooms
  • 2 cafeterias
  • An industrial laundry (providing laundry services for both bed linen and personal laundry)
  • 2 professional kitchens
  • An ecumenical chapel
  • An auditorium
  • A graphic arts studio
  • A shop
  • An IT shop
  • An IT centre
  • A travel office
  • And The Paul & Henri Carnal Hall: a futuristic Arts & Learning Centre, its 900-seat concert hall, its smaller BlackBox venue; and its specially-equipped rooms: A library containing 17,000 literary and reference works, music and arts rooms, IT centre, study lounge, conference rooms, cooking lab, etc.
Gardens, trees, some of which are over two hundred years old, fountains, a computer-regulated greenhouse; a pedagogical farm with donkeys, sheep, poultry and more…

Off campus, Le Rosey also owns:

  • A private equestrian centre housing 30 horses, 1 indoor riding school, 1 dressage area, 1 clubhouse
  • A private sailing centre equipped with 10 dinghies, 3 motor-boats, 3 yawls and a 38-foot yacht
  • A catamaran sailing yacht.
  • Le Rosey also uses a local 18-hole golf course with driving range, and a karting track situated nearby.

Gstaad Mountain Campus

During our summer holidays, the Schönried campus in the picturesque Swiss region of Gstaad —a famous mountain resort nestled in the Swiss Alps and nowadays home to world-famous celebrities— hosts summer camp participants in large Swiss chalets set in some of the most beautiful scenery in Switzerland. This region abounds with sites of natural beauty and has an excellent infrastructure, allowing visitors to make the most of sporting and mountain pursuits in safety.

Since 1916 the whole school has moved up to the mountains during the winter season to offer its students a term of sun, snow and winter sports whilst continuing their regular school program.

As for the locals, they are always happy to share the delights and traditions of their region with our visitors.


School and boarding facilities:
  • Bedrooms (2 beds) with ensuite bathrooms
  • Classrooms
  • IT room
  • Equipped games rooms and lounges
  • Apartments for teachers living in the boarding houses
  • Infirmary
  • Dining room
  • Sports material (badminton, ball games, table tennis, etc.)

Sports facilities:

  • Swimming pools
  • Fitness centres
  • Tennis courts
  • Bowling alley
  • Curling
  • Cross country tracks
  • Climbing walls and Via Ferratas laid out to help students learn to climb in a safe environment.

Le Rosey Boarding School | Le Rosey Boarding School Fees

As of 2011/12, the annual boarding and academic fees are CHF 125,000 (approximately $133,000 USD), without extra fees such as sports, etc. This makes Le Rosey the most expensive school in the world. The Rosey Foundation, which oversees the financing of Le Rosey’s Carnal Hall, makes scholarships possible to “particularly deserving” students, and the four-member Rosey Scholarship Committee allots them to the approved students. However, Institut Le Rosey does not directly offer scholarships to any person, as scholarships are only made available through the Rosey Foundation.

Le Rosey Rooms | Institut Le Rosey Dorms

Students get up at 7:00am, take a shower, tidy their bedroom and make their bed. They then go down for breakfast, which is a large buffet and is the only informal meal of the day.

From 8:00am to 12:20pm, there are six class periods, with a mid-morning break for hot chocolate (we are in Switzerland!).
On Monday at midday, there is a large assembly for the entire school, a time of communication, reflection and an exchange of ideas.

At 1:30pm, classes start again for three periods, until 3:30pm.

From 4:00 to 7:00pm, is the time for Sports & Arts, which allows Rosey students to choose from extremely varied programmes on each day of the week. Some programmes are obligatory (for example, a balance between sports and arts, as part of the continuation of the activities selected).

Dinner is served at 7:30pm. Formal attire is worn to this meal (boys wear a blazer and tie). Meals at Le Rosey are taken according to fairly rigid customs. Students sit at a seat marked by a personal napkin and which is fixed for the term. They sit with six to eight other students and one or two teachers. Students take turns serving the dishes at the table, under the authority of the maître d’hôtel. Students rise when an adult arrives and do not leave the table before being invited to do so by the director of boarding, after he or she has made a few announcements.

A little after 8:00pm, the evening, which is essentially dedicated to prep or homework, begins either in the student’s bedroom or in the study hall, depending on each student’s study group. Other activities also take place in the evening, such as cultural outings or dinners, lectures, the Academy, the Forum or Model United Nations debates or teacher/student sport challenges.

Bedtime is between 9:00pm and 11:30pm, depending on the age of the student. This rest is very welcome after an intense day!

In Gstaad

In Gstaad, the schedule is arranged to allow students to practise winter sports without losing teaching time.

There are six class periods every morning, including Saturday, which last until 12:45pm, as well as on Thursday afternoon. There are sports from 2:00pm to 5:00pm (except on Thursday), followed by private study, music and theatre practice. Dinner is at 7:00pm and there is private study or cultural or social activities in the evening.


The Juniors’ schedule is adjusted to suit the age of our younger pupils, whilst maintaining the balance of activities enjoyed by their elders

Le Rosey Students

It is known as the school of kings, counting among its alumni the Shah of Iran, Prince Rainier of Monaco and King Farouk of Egypt. Its catchment area was once the glittering palaces that housed the grandest families on the Continent: the Metternichs, the Borgheses and the Hohenlohes.

But Institut Le Rosey is now spreading its net to humble old Britain. For the first time in its 135-year history, the prestigious Swiss boarding school has been recruiting gilt-edged pupils, aged seven to 18, in London.

Co-educational since 1967, it is keen to claim a slice of a market hitherto dominated by British boarding schools such as Eton and Harrow. But at £80,000 a year – more than twice their fees – the most expensive school in the world will hardly be cherry-picking the brightest and best middle-class British pupils. Their parents find British school fees steep enough already.

London, however, has become the city of choice for the world’s richest parents so is also home to the world’s richest kids. And it is they who formed the target audience for Le Rosey’s recruitment drive last week, held at the city’s Swiss Embassy. There has long been a tiny British contingent at the school, making up five per cent of its 400 pupils. Its intake hails from 63 countries, with no more than 10% of its students coming from any one country, to prevent a single nationality dominating.

Sir Roger Moore and Elizabeth Taylor sent their children there. John Lennon’s son Sean studied there too, as did the Duke of Kent and Winston Spencer Churchill, grandson of the wartime Prime Minister. But the days when it served an inter-continental upper-class elite are long gone.

“Le Rosey was different in the 1950s when I first came here,” says Taki Theodoracopulos, the Spectator columnist who lives in Gstaad, home to one of Le Rosey’s two campuses. “Then all the kids were upper-class – Rainier and the Shah were looked down upon. It was mostly American. Then the Italians and the French came. And then, in the 1970s, the Arabs arrived.”

As the international mega-rich pour in, the school is losing its Euro-Anglo-American founding ethos.

“That’s why they’re recruiting the British,” says Taki, whose son attended the school. “They want to get some Europeans, and the odd token Briton and American, but they can’t admit it.”

Some of that British sheen is supplied by Michael Gray, Le Rosey’s British headmaster, educated at a Liverpool grammar school. Otherwise, the school is not only in another country, it might as well be on another planet as far as most people are concerned.

The winter term is spent in Gstaad, with lessons finishing by lunchtime so the children can hit the slopes for the afternoon. In spring, they head to the school’s Château du Rosey campus nestled on the site of a Gothic, 14th-century château in the village of Rolle on the shores of Lake Geneva.

The privately-owned institution is astonishingly well-equipped, with a shooting range, 1,000-seat concert hall and an equestrian centre boasting 30 horses. Few other schools have their own 38-foot yacht on Lake Geneva, let alone a spa for stressed-out pupils to unwind in at the end of the long school day. Classes are in French and English, in a system called “à la carte bilingualism”. The teacher-pupil ratio is an enviable 1:5.

But for those who can afford the fees, perhaps none of this seems out of the ordinary.

“Seeing a helicopter land on the football pitches with a Russian pupil stepping out with his parents, I was somewhat shocked at the in-your-face parades of wealth,” says Annabel, 25, who worked as a housemaster’s au pair at Le Rosey in 2008. “It is very different to a British boarding school – it is run like a business. One pupil had ‘I AM RICH’ planted across his jumper. I felt the boys definitely wanted to prove their wealth in a more crass way than the girl pupils.”

Yet the school is at pains to deny that money is a divisive issue among its students.

“No one goes around, saying ‘I’m richer than you’,” Gray told the Times, “It’s completely unsnobbish. If people put on airs and graces they wouldn’t survive.”

The school is also keen to stress it’s not just for those who have money but no brains. All the pupils sit official external examinations – the International Baccalaureate (IB) or the French baccalauréat. Only those who can expect to get into university are offered a place . And only one in three applicants is accepted.

“It’s certainly not academic,” says Taki, “But the school does do its best to improve the kids. My son was happy there – and they are polite. My wife was going up in the ski lift the other day with three Le Rosey kids. One was Russian, one American, one Arab. They couldn’t have been nicer or more polite.”

Unsurprisingly, this rarefied elite ends up forming close bonds.

“I saw a lot of relationships,” says Annabel, who now works in advertising in Australia. “Many of the boarding students were renting out pretty expensive hotel rooms in Gstaad for the weekend, where they could get up to mischief without adult or teacher supervision.”

Go to Le Rosey – or, even better, marry another Ancien Roséen, as Old Roseans are called – and you’re set up for life. There’s an Anciens Roséens alumni programme and a strictly private directory that lets you network with other super-rich old boys and girls. With that exclusive alumni network, along with the school’s fabulous settings and eye-watering fees, it’s hard not to agree with F Scott Fitzgerald: the very rich “are different from you and me”. And they start being very different at a very young age.

Source: telegraph

Le Rosey Summer Camp Cost

Le Classique CampLake Geneva4 Weeks10 Jul till 4 Aug9-1612’700.- + 500.- pocket money
Summer SchoolLake Geneva3 Weeks2 till 26 Aug9-169’700.- + 500.- pocket money
SAT Prep CampLake Geneva4 Weeks
3 Weeks
10 Jul till 4 Aug15-1818’700.- + 800.- pocket money
My Family CampGstaad Mountain
3 Weeks (or 2 Weeks*)a) 17 Jun till 6 Jul
b) 9 till 28 Jul
c) 31 Jul till 19 Aug
8-139’000.- + 400.- pocket money
Excellence CampSwiss Alps &
Mediterranean Sea
2 Weeks9 till 23 Jul12-1615’500.- + 200.- pocket money

The My Family Camp can be booked for 2 Weeks instead of 3. The fee for 2 Weeks will be 6’000.- + 400.- pocket money.

In details:

1. Le Classique

Known as well as “Le Classique”, this 4-week camp offers youngsters to enjoy a wide range of sports and arts, entertaining evening and weekend activities, excursions and discovery trips, while benefiting from an optional daily academic program of French or English classes too. The camp is designed for making new friends in an international environment, living together in a community based upon Le Rosey’s values of respect and understanding.

  • July 10th to August 4th 2017
  • 4 weeks
  • 9-16 year-olds
  • Rolle Campus
  • CHF 12,700*.- + CHF 500 Pocket Money

* Cost of camp including registration fee of CHF 1,000.-

 Camp’s main features:

  • a memorable summer holiday in an international environment
  • an incredible choice of activities offered at Le Rosey
  • a community based upon Le Rosey’s values where students learn about themselves and how to better understand, respect and support each other
  • Optional English or French lessons at the students’ own level
  • Two additional sports options: Real Madrid Foundation Clinic and Tony Parker Basketball Training by ASVEL
  • numerous excursions to discover Switzerland
  • learning autonomy away from home.

Academic Programme:

3 main morning options for-to-measure programe

Option 1 – Languages:
2 Daily 75-minute lessons. Acquisition/revision of French or English. Classes are made up for approximately 12 students of the same level (there are 5 levels: beginners, elementary, intermediate, upper-intermediate and advanced).

Option 2 – Sports Academy:
2 Daily 75-minute periods. Basketball, football or tennis. Team and individual practice, physical and mental coaching, tournaments.

Option 3 – Arts School:
2 Daily 75-minute periods. Theatre (interpretation, improvisation, self-confidence, body language, and final show); or a range of artistic or creative activities to develop one’s talents and imagination guided by professionals (art history & theory, art criticism & analysis, design & production…)

Sports Activities:

Archery, Badminton, Basketball, Beach-volley, Fitness training, Football, Golf (practice), Horse-riding, Nautical Sports (sailing, stand-up-paddling), Rugby, Self-defence, Swimming, Tennis, Ultimate frisbee, Uni-hockey, Wake-boarding and -surfing, Water-skiing & Yoga.

Arts Activities:

Ceramics, Circus school, Creative arts, Digital communication (web design, social media…), Digital photography, Hip-Hop, Percussion, School of Magic & Zumba.

Daily Schedule:

  • 08.00 Wake-up
  • 08.30 Breakfast
  • 09.15 Start of morning program depending on the option chosen or departure for excursions
  • 12.30 Lunch
  • 14.00-15.30 Sports/Arts activities
  • 15.30-16.00 Break
  • 16.00-17.30 Sports/Arts activities
  • 18.30-19.00 Dinner
  • 19.30-21.00 Evening activities
  • 21.30 Junior bedtime (-13 y.o.)
  • 22.00 Senior bedtime

Weekly Excursions:

Chill out in a canoe on the river, go on a cultural city outings to discover Swiss culture, and take part in a high-altitude adventure to admire the year-round snowfields, get a taste for Alpine activities, experience an overnight stay in a mountain chalet, etc.

Real Madrid Foundation Clinic:

Following its success in 2014 and 2015, you will have the opportunity to train with junior coaches from one of the most prestigious football clubs in Europe, named “Club of the Century” by FIFA: the Real Madrid. You will be groupe by age and during 3/4 days you will work on technique, skill and teamwork to become a better footballer. At the end of the training, you will receive a medal, a training certificate and a report card from the Real Madrid coaches.

Tony Parker Basketball Training by Asvel: 

For its second edition, Tony Parker is bringing coaches from the most titled club in France, the ASVEL, to coach and teach you the secrets of Basketball. After the week-long training and various tactical lessons, an internal basketball competition will take place during Tony Parker’s visit, where you will receive your training diploma. In 2015, the two MVPs won a trip to San Antonio to visit Tony Parker and watch a match of the San Antonio SPURS. May you will be next!

Weekend Activities:

While some students may choose to leave accompanied by their relatives from Saturday noon to Sunday 6.00pm, those staying on the campus will be offered a varied program of entertaining activities – including shopping time in Geneva or Lausanne (or Rolle for the Juniors, less than 13 y.o.), tree-top adventures, a visit to a chocolate factory, Via Ferrata, Aquaparc, karting, barbecues, shows and discos, and much more.

End of Camp Programme & Show:

The before-last evening of the camp is dedicated to a show highlighting the students’ work; the last evening they attend a prize-giving ceremony where their language and sporting achievements are recognized, followed by a farewell party. Parents are welcome to attend both the show and the prize-giving ceremony.

2. Summer School

This 3-week camp is also designed for making new friends in an international environment while living together in a community based upon Le Rosey values of respect and understanding. In addition, you will benefit from intensive revision courses under the guidance of teachers committed to academic excellence. You will also be able to choose amongst a wide range of sports and arts, entertaining evening and weekend activities with excursions and discovery trips.

  • 2nd to 26th August 2017
  • 3 weeks
  • 9-16 year-olds
  • Rolle Campus
  • CHF 9,700 *.- + CHF 500 Pocket Money

* Cost of camp including registration fee of CHF 1,000.-

Camp’s main features:

  • To have a memorable summer experience within a relaxed and academic framework.
  • To benefit from the wide variety of activities on offer on the Lake Geneva campus.
  • To learn to live in a community, sharing Rosey values in a spirit of respect and solidarity, leading to increased self-knowledge and a better understanding of the diversity of cultures represented at Le Rosey.
  • Learn autonomy away from home.

Academic Programme:


Option 1 – Intensive Language: 4 periods (50 minutes each) of French or English
Option 2 – Language: 2 periods of English followed by 2 periods of French or Spanish
Option 3 – Maths & Language: 2 periods of Maths followed by 2 periods of English or French or Spanish

Class average up to 12 students who are grouped according to their level.

Programme: during language classes, you will be required to work on the basics of grammar and vocabulary, in addition to the acquisition and development of the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Maths Lessons are taught in English. Students wishing to opt for Maths should therefore have a good level of English. The programme caters to a wide range of Maths levels. Students will be helped to gain confidence in the basics, consolidate what they know and, for high-flyers, be challenged with more ambitious topics.

Sports Activities:

Archery, Badminton, Basketball, Beach-volley, Climbing, Football, Golf (practice only), Nautical sports (sailing, stand-up-paddling), Self-defence, Shooting air-rifle (from age 13), Swimming, Table tennis, Tennis, Wake-boarding and -surfing, Waterskiing, 24 hours of Horse-riding in a nature reserve with a night in a bivouac is offered as an optional excursion in addition to the afternoon program.

Art Activities:

Circus school, Cooking, Creative arts, Dancing, Digital photography, Film-making and -acting, Hip-Hop, School of Magic, Singing & Web design.

Daily Schedule:

  • 08.00 Wake-up
  • 08.30 Breakfast
  • 09.00-09.50 Period 1
  • 10.00-10.50 Period 2
  • 10.50-11.15 Break
  • 11.15-12.05 Period 3
  • 12.30-13.00 Lunch
  • 13.30-14.20 Period 4
  • 15.00-16.30 Sports/Arts
  • 16.30-17.00 Break
  • 17.00-18.30 Sports/Arts
  • 19.00-19.30 Dinner
  • 20.00-21.00 Evening activities
  • 21.30 Junior bedtime (-13 y.o.)
  • 22.00 Senior bedtime

Real Madrid Foundation Clinic:

Following its success in 2014 and 2015, you will have the opportunity to train with junior coaches from one of the most prestigious football clubs in Europe, named “Club of the Century” by FIFA: the Real Madrid. You will be groupe by age and during 3/4 days you will work on technique, skill and teamwork to become a better footballer. At the end of the training, you will receive a medal, a training certificate and a report card from the Real Madrid coaches.

Private Music Lessons Option:

You may also choose to take one-to-one piano or guitar lessons 5 times per week with a professional music teacher in our suite of fully equipped music rooms. One 45-minute lesson will be followed by a 45-minute practice session. This option will replace one of the academic classes in the morning or sports/arts activities in the afternoon (chosen at enrolment). Please note that this option is charged as a CHF 1,500 extra to the main camp fee.

During the Weekend:

While some students may choose to leave accompanied by their relatives from Saturday noon to Sunday 6.00pm, those staying on the campus will be offered a varied program of entertaining activities – including cruises on the Lake Geneva, shopping time in Geneva or Lausanne, barbecues, shows and discos, high-altitude adventures, theme parks by the lake, hiking magnificent natural landscapes, excursions to cultural points of interest and cities, and much more…

End of Camp Evening:

The last afternoon of the camp is dedicated to a prize-giving ceremony where your language and sporting achievements are recognised, followed by an evening show including theatre, singing, dancing, circus acrobatics, videos and a slideshow to reminisce together one last time. Parents are welcome to attend the event.

3. SAT prep Camp

This camp is designed for students in the final 2 or 3 years of high school who would like to significantly improve their SAT scores (2015 students averaged a 350 point increase). The curriculum – Mathematics, Critical Reading and Writing – is academically demanding and participants must already have a good level of English and be prepared to invest intellectual effort. Math and Verbal classes are grouped by ability, which optimizes personalization of strategy, content and class pacing. The course is led by two American SAT experts who have taught over 3,500 SAT classes for Kaplan, The Princeton Review and Le Rosey.

Session 1: July 10th – August 4th, 2017 (4 weeks)
Session 2: August 8th – 26th, 2017 (3 weeks)

  • 3 or 4 weeks
  • 15-18 year-olds
  • Rolle Campus

Session 1: CHF 18,000 + CHF 800 pocket money
Session 2: CHF 14,000 + CHF 800 pocket money

* Cost of camp including registration fee of CHF 1,000.-

Academic Programme:

Morning programme

This intensive SAT course includes: 52 hours of classroom instruction and drills in all areas of the SAT + 4 full-length SAT Practice Exams for a total of 70 hours of SAT preparation. Each student who follows this rigorous course will leave camp with: a comprehensive understanding of all three sections of the SAT; strategies and techniques to ace every question type; and more sophisticated SAT essay writing skills gained from personalized essay workshops.

Upon enrolment for the July session you will choose 7 activities from an extensive list of some 20 sports and 10 arts and crafts workshops. If you are attending the August session, you will choose 5 activities from an extensive list of some 15 sports and 10 arts and crafts workshops. If necessary, you will be able to make changes on the first day of the camp.

Sports available in July: Archery, Badminton, Basketball, Beach-volley, Fitness training, Football, Golf (practice only), Horse-riding, Nautical sports (sailing, stand-up-paddling), Rugby, Self-defence, Swimming, Tennis, Ultimate frisbee, Uni-hockey, Wake-boarding and -surfing, Water-skiing and Yoga.

Creative activities available in July: Ceramics, Circus School, Creative arts, Digital communication (website design, social media…), Hip-Hop, Percussion, School of magic and Zumba.

Sports available in August: Air-rifle, Archery, Badminton, Basketball, Beach-volley, Climbing, Football, Golf (practice only), Nautical sports (sailing, stand-up-paddling), Self-defence, Swimming, Table tennis, Tennis, Wake-boarding and -surfing and Water-skiing.

Creative activities available in August: Circus School, Creative arts, Cooking, Dancing, Digital photography, Film-making and acting, Hip-Hop, School of magic, Singing and Web-design.

In July

  • 08.00 Wake-up
  • 08.30-09.00 Breakfast
  • 09.00-12.15 Start of SAT classes
  • 12.30-13.00Lunch
  • 14.00-18.00 Sports/Arts activities
  • 19.00 Dinner
  • 19.30 Evening activities
  • 23.00 Bedtime

In August

  • 08.00 Wake-up
  • 08.30-09.00 Breakfast
  • 09.00-12.15 Start of SAT classes
  • 12.30-13.00 Lunch
  • 13.30 SAT classes
  • 15.00 Sports/Arts activities
  • 19.00 Dinner
  • 20.00 Evening activities
  • 23.00 Bedtime

Excursions & Discovery Trips:

You will discover the wonders of Switzerland: mountain adventures, theme parks by the lake, hiking through magnificent natural landscapes, as well as excursions to cities and places or summer events of cultural interest.

Evening Activities & Free Time:

A range of relaxing activities, pool games, themed events, discos and free time for friends or homework, cultural events, etc., tailored for students aged 15-18.


While some students may choose to leave accompanied by their relatives from Saturday noon to Sunday 6.00pm, those staying on the campus will be offered a varied program of: entertaining activities, cruising on Lake Geneva or horse-riding, shopping time in Geneva or Lausanne, barbecues, discos, and much more…

End of Camp: 

The July session holds two evening celebrations: the day before and the penultimate day of the camp, dedicated to an artistic performance showcasing your talents and sporting achievements, and a prize-giving ceremony for SAT Campers. the august session combines both events into one single night. Parents are welcome to attend the show and the prize-giving ceremony.

4. My Family

These mountain camps are specially designed for our younger campers. If it is your first time being away from home, we will help you make new friends from all over the world and feel right at home in our small camp of maximum 90 students.

The magnificent region of Gstaad offers a wide range of outdoor activities and sports. Our campus offers arts activities, lessons and accommodation. During the camp, you will also enjoy educational trips and excursions.

  • Session 1: June 17th – July 6th, 2017 (3 weeks)
    2-week option until June 30th, 2017
  • Session 2: July 9th – 28th, 2017 (3 weeks)
    2-week option until July 22th, 2017
  • Session 3: July 31th – August 19th, 2017 (3 weeks)
    2-week option until August 13th, 2017
  • 2 or 3 weeks
  • 8-13 year-olds
  • Gstaad Mountain Campus
  • 3-week option: CHF 9,000 + CHF 400 Pocket Money
  • 2-week option: CHF 6,000 + CHF 400 Pocket Money

* Cost of camp including registration fee of CHF 1,000.-

Camp main features:

  • Enjoy a stay in the mountains, discover life there and its treasures, spend a night in a mountain refuge and in teepees.
  • Live in a community and be part of its family spirit.
  • Get to know students of different nationalities and cultures, and share Le Rosey’s core values – respect and tolerance.
  • Learn and use French or English as a means of communicating with people from across the world.
  • Enjoy a wealth of sporting and artistic activities, learning to face challenges, take part in expeditions and take on responsibilities.
  • Learn autonomy away from home.

Academic Programme:


Intensive course: French
2 Daily 75-minute periods per morning, including Saturday.

Intensive course: English
2 Daily 75-minute periods per morning, including Saturday.

You will have fun improving French or English as a foreign language (2h½ per morning, including Saturday) in small classes (5-10 students per class) suited to your level and age. At the centre of the study programme are various themes linked to local trips and excursions. The focus is on communication, improving understanding, reading exercises, grammar and vocabulary which are presented through workshops using theatre and corporal expression.

Sports activities:

Aerobics, Badminton, Basketball, Beach-volley, Climbing, Football, Golf (practice only), Mountain trekking, Orienteering with GPS guidance, Swimming, Table tennis, Tennis and Via Ferrata.

Arts activities:

Cooking, Creative Arts, Visual Media and Theatre.

Daily Schedule:

  • 08.00 Wake-up
  • 08.30 Breakfast
  • 09.00-10.30 Language lessons
  • 10.30-11.00 Break
  • 11.00-12.00 Language lessons
  • 12.30-13.00 Lunch
  • 14.00-18.00 Sports/Arts activities, including Tea time
  • 18.45-19.30 Dinner
  • 19.45-21.15  Evening activities
  • 21.45 Bedtime

Excursion & Discovery Trips:

You will discover the wonders of Switzerland: an overnight stay in the mountain wilderness, high-altitude adventures, theme parks by the lake, hiking through magnificent natural landscapes, excursions to cities and places of cultural interest, as well as experiencing mountain famers’ life first hand.

Evening Activities: 

A range of team competitions, sports tournaments, relaxing activities, creative workshops and surprise nights…


While some students may choose to leave accompanied by their relatives from Saturday noon to Sunday 6.00pm, those staying on the campus will be offered a varied programme of entertaining activities, shopping time in Gstaad or Montreux, barbecues, cinema, discos, and much more…

End of Camp:

The last evening of the camp is dedicated to a farewell party. Parents are welcome to attend the event.

5. Excellence Camp

This exclusive 2-week camp is specially designed for some 10 fit, curious and adventurous students, fluent or native French/English speakers, with good discipline, self-sufficiency and a strong sense of team spirit. It combines a mountain adventure week followed by a week offshore ocean navigation on board a luxurious yacht. The aims are to define and challenge your own limits and to provide opportunities to show leadership skills, while living a thrilling emotion-filled experience. Achieving excellence together!

  • July 9th – 23rd, 2017
  • 2 weeks
  • 12-16 year-olds
  • The Swiss Alps and the Mediterranean Sea
  • CHF 15,500 + CHF 200 pocket money

* cost of camp including registration fee of CHF 1,000

The camp starts with a mountain adventure week.

You will:

  • discover trails in the Bernese Alps and in the Wallis Alps
  • learn rock-climbing
  • cross obstacles, crevasses and glaciers
  • learn how to work as part of a team while setting up and taking down camp every day
  • learn autonomy away from home and how to live in a community

Activities include: Rock climbing, rappelling, an ascent to 4000m, glacier walks using crampons, an introduction to orienteering and GPS navigation, hanging bridge (mega swing fixed under a bridge), nights in mountain huts, discovering Alpine flora and fauna, etc.

The aims are:to define and challenge your own limits; to encourage an esprit de corps and to provide opportunities to show leadership skills. Most nights are spent in tents or in mountain refuges. A superb adventure in the heart of the Swiss Alps amid some spectacular scenery.

At the end of the Mountain week, the group then flies from Geneva to join the sailing yacht Ipharra on the Mediterranean Sea for a cruise along the coast and to splendid islands.

The group will:

  • learn how to handle a large yacht, using both engine and sails
  • practice sailing manœuvres
  • learn how to calculate routes using maps and electronic navigation equipment
  • appreciate the importance of teamwork and mutual respect
  • relax and enjoy water sports

Activities include: Sailing maneuvers, maritime map reading, exploring islands, swimming, snorkelling, sea bob, waterskiing, wakeboarding, navigation using lasers, kayaking, etc.

Activities during the Mountain Week:

Rock climbing, Rappelling, An ascent to 4000m, Glacier walks using crampons, An introduction to orienteering and GPS navigation, Hanging Bridge (mega swing fixed under a bridge), Nights in mountain huts & Discovering Alpine flora and fauna.

Activities during the Mediterranean Week:

Sailing manoeuvres, Maritime map reading, Exploring islands, Snorkelling, Waterskiing, Wakeboarding, Navigation using lasers & Kayaking.

The Ipharra Yacht:

The Ipharra is a 34-metre catamaran sailboat built for offshore cruising. It is a secure, well-furnished, fast yacht which has 4 triple-berth cabins with bathrooms for the students, crew’s quarters and 3 cabins housing the 5 crew members.

The Ipharra also has a classroom equipped with IT resources; a huge cockpit which serves as a dining room/meeting area and cinema; a reading room, and a flying deck used for marine observation, astronomy and, of course, lazing in the sun!

The yacht also has: a dinghy used for exploration (Zodiac), a light Laser sailing boat used for sailing lessons; electric powered sea bobs (also used for exploration), snorkeling equipment, a kayak, waterskiing and wakeboarding equipment, not to mention all the usual modern security equipment – GSM and satellite communication and navigation systems. More at:

Fees include:

  • Welcome at Geneva Airport and transfer to Schönried; overnight stay in Schönried
  • All activities, accommodation, material and meals during the mountain week
  • Flights at the end of the Mountain week and transfer to Ipharra
  • All activities, lessons, material, excursions, accommodation and meals on board Ipharra
  • Flight back to Geneva at the end of the sea week
  • Health and accident insurance, including medical repatriation in case of emergency, personal liability for each participant.

Le Rosey Gstaad Campus

Le Rosey Winter Camp – Le Rosey Winter Campus

The school’s winter campus, at the ski resort of Gstaad in the Bernese Oberland, is composed of several traditional chalets within the town. The girls’ campus, at Schönried, is situated a 10-minute train ride away from Gstaad and is composed of 5 chalets used solely for boarding and dining.

The students utilize local facilities, including: swimming pools, fitness centres, tennis courts, ice-hockey rink, a bowling alley, Curling, 250 kilometers (approximately 156 miles) of Alpine ski slopes and 120 kilometers (approximately 75 miles) of Cross-country ski tracks, 65 kilometers of Snowshoeing trails, climbing walls, and Via Ferratas.

Institut Le Rosey Uniform

Institut Le Rosey Scholarship

Each year, Le Rosey and the Rosey Foundation grant between three and five scholarships to deserving students who wish to play a leading role in contributing to society but whose parents cannot finance a place at Le Rosey. Scholarship students are selected from September to December each year.

What is the procedure?

Register online, mentioning your request for a scholarship.

What are the conditions for awarding scholarships?

The scholarship candidate’s family will be required to provide information regarding its financial status: the precise amount of financial aid will be based on this documentation. Successful applicants’ families should note, however, that they will be required to make a contribution to tuition fees and that they must cover any non-obligatory extra expenses. Scholarship applications must be made between September 1 and December31. Applications received from January onwards will be carried over to the following September and considered an application for the following academic year. Scholarships are granted to applicants(s) with an exceptional profile; scholarship students are then treated in the same way as other Rosey students and their status is not revealed publicly. In order to remain at Le Rosey for one or more additional years, scholars must meet certain requirements which are regularly reviewed with them. Scholarship students may be admitted from class 6 to class 1.

Which students are awarded scholarships?

Academic excellence is naturally an important criterion, but it is not pivotal; character, talents and motivation are also taken into consideration. Without wishing to establish an identikit portrait of a candidate, we look for the following qualities:

  • very good academic results which put the student in the top 5% of their age group
  • good mastery of French and/or English and an ability to follow a demanding curriculum in one or both languages; a clear interest in learning several foreign languages
  • the potential to make a significant contribution to sports, the arts or humanitarian activities at Le Rosey
  • a desire to take on responsibilities and the maturity to handle these responsibilities

Le Rosey Alumni

  • Aga Khan IV, the Aga Khan (born 1936), Imām of the Shia Imami Ismaili Muslims
  • Princess Zahra Aga Khan (born 1970), eldest child of the Aga Khan
  • King Albert II of Belgium (born 1934)
  • Alexander, Crown Prince of Yugoslavia (born 1945), claimant to the Serbian Throne
  • Sir Thomas Arnold (born 1947), British politician, retired Member of Parliament
  • Tae Ashida (born 1964), Japanese fashion designer
  • King Baudouin I of Belgium (1930–1993)
  • Nicolas Berggruen (born 1961), billionaire, founder of the Berggruen Institute
  • Bijan (1944–2011), Iranian-American fashion designer
  • Francesco and Livio Borghese, Borghese family members, of the Italian noble House of Borghese
  • Garech Browne (born 1939), member of the Guinness brewing family and patron of Irish Arts
  • Arpad Busson (born 1963), Swiss financier
  • Ian Campbell, 12th Duke of Argyll (1937–2001), Clan Chief of the Clan Campbell
  • John Casablancas (1942-2013), founder of Elite Model Management
  • Julian Casablancas (born 1978), musician, band member of The Strokes
  • David Cecil, 6th Marquess of Exeter (previously Lord Burghley), winner of the 400m hurdles at the 1928 Summer OlympicsJoe
  • Dassin (1938-1980), French-American singer and composer[citation needed]
  • Alki David (born 1968), Nigerian-born Greek billionaire heir and media entrepreneur
  • Prince Edward, Duke of Kent (born 1935), member of the British Royal Family and President of the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club
  • Benno Elkan (1877–1960), German-born British sculptor, one of the first Roseans
  • Ghida Fakhry, Washington, D.C. co-anchor of Al Jazeera English
  • Fardad Fateri (born 1964), American business executive and CEO
  • Emanuele Filiberto, Prince of Venice and Piedmont (born 1972), of the Italian House of Savoy
  • Dodi Al-Fayed (1955–1997), movie producer, romantically linked to Diana, Princess of Wales, died in a car accident together in Paris
  • José Ferrer (1909–1992), Academy Award-winning actor
  • Firouz Nosrat-ed-Dowleh III, Prince of Qajar Dynasty (1889-1937)
  • King Fuad II of Egypt (born 1952), the last King of Egypt
  • Alexandra von Fürstenberg (born 1972), former daughter-in-law of fashion designer Diane von Fürstenberg and one of the Miller Sisters
  • Prince Egon von Fürstenberg (1946–2004), fashion designer, of the House of Fürstenberg
  • Pia Getty (born 1966), socialite, one of the Miller Sisters
  • Toulo de Graffenried, Baron de Graffenried (1914–2007), Swiss motor racing driver
  • Guillaume, Hereditary Grand Duke of Luxembourg (born 1981)
  • Francesca von Habsburg (born 1958), art collector and the wife of Karl Habsburg-Lothringen
  • Albert Hammond, Jr. (born 1980), singer, musician, band member of The Strokes
  • H. John Heinz III (1938–1991), United States Senator
  • Richard Helms (1913–2002), Director of Central Intelligence and United States Ambassador to Iran
  • Hermon Hermon-Hodge, 3rd Baron Wyfold (1915–1999), member of the British House of Lords
  • Hohenzollern family members, of the Prussian royal House of Hohenzollern
  • John Caldwell Holt (1923–1985), American author and educator, pioneer in youth rights theory
  • Sir Alistair Horne (1925-2017), British historian, biographer
  • J.B. Jackson (1909–1996), French-born American writer, landscape designer
  • King Juan Carlos I of Spain (born 1938)
  • Khaled Juffali, Saudi businessman
  • Sir Michael Kadoorie (born 1941), Hong Kong business magnate
  • Justine Kasa-Vubu, politician, daughter of former President of the DRC, Joseph Kasa-Vubu
  • Rhonda Ross Kendrick (born 1971), actress, daughter of Diana Ross
  • Adnan Khashoggi family, the children of Saudi arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi
  • Michael Korda (born 1933), writer, former Editor-in-Chief of Simon & Schuster
  • James Laughlin (1914–1997), American poet and book publisher
  • Sean Taro Ono Lennon (born 1975), musician, son of John Lennon and Yoko Ono
  • Warner LeRoy (1935–2001), owner of Tavern on the Green and the Russian Tea Room
  • Marie-Chantal, Crown Princess of Greece (born 1968), member of the Greek Royal Family and one of the Miller Sisters
  • Molson family members, of the Molson Breweries Canada family
  • Leona Naess (born 1974), British singer-songwriter
  • Nicholas Negroponte (born 1943), founder and Chairman Emeritus of the MIT Media Lab
  • Stavros Niarchos family, the children of Greek shipping magnate Stavros Niarchos
  • Álvaro Noboa (born 1950), Ecuadorian businessman, candidate for the Ecuadorian Presidency
  • King Ntare V of Burundi (1947–1972), the last King of Burundi
  • Ali Reza Pahlavi I (1922–1954), brother of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavī
  • Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavī (1919–1980), the last Shah of Iran
  • Pahlavī family members, of the Pahlavī dynasty of the Persian Empire
  • Prince Rainier III of Monaco (1923–2005)
  • Andrea di Robilant, Italian fiction writer
  • Winthrop Paul Rockefeller (1948–2006), Lieutenant Governor of Arkansas, member of the Rockefeller Family
  • Alexis von Rosenberg, Baron de Rédé (1922–2004), art collector, socialite
  • Tracee Ellis Ross (born 1972), actress, daughter of Diana Ross
  • Rothschild family members, of the banking and finance dynasty
  • Robin Russell, 14th Duke of Bedford (1940–2003)
  • Tatiana Santo Domingo (born 1983), Brazilian and Colombian socialite and heiress
  • Tad Szulc (1926–2001), non-fiction writer, New York Times correspondent
  • Taittinger family members, French champagne producers
  • Mayuko Takata (born 1971), Japanese actress, Iron Chef judge
  • Elizabeth Taylor family, the children of Elizabeth Taylor and Michael Wilding
  • Irving Thalberg Jr. (1930–1987), American philosopher, son of Irving Thalberg and Norma Shearer
  • David Verney, 21st Baron Willoughby de Broke (born 1938), member of the British House of Lords
  • David Willoquet, Minister of Economy of Le Rosey
  • Thady Wyndham-Quin, 7th Earl of Dunraven and Mount-Earl, Irish peer
  • Adam Zamoyski, member of the Zamoyski family

Le Rosey Video
