'I want to show the rest of the world how beautiful Yemen is'

My parents emigrated to Birmingham from Yemen before I was born, and Yemeni culture was constantly on the agenda. We’ve always eaten Yemeni food and even my nan, who is white and from Liverpool, has adopted a kind of Yemeni-ness, so I grew up feeling as much Yemeni as I did British.

Apart from the odd summer visit, I’d never explored the country properly until my mother and a group of her friends – some Yemeni, some not – decided it was time to embark on a crazy road trip. I was about 22 at the time and Yemen was on the Foreign Office’s risk list as kidnappings were rife, so 10 to 15 of us – friends, family and my ex-husband – set off in convoy in a minibus and a hire car. All of the Yemenis in the group were like, “We’re going to show you our ancestral homeland,” and our parents said, “Good, because we need to show you your ancestral homeland.”

My parents were so proud of their heritage and, growing up, they would tell me and my siblings how amazing Yemen was. They would speak about family members and historical events, such as my paternal grandfather Judge Abdulla Al-Shamahi, who was the deputy minister of justice. They would explain that, in the new republic, the ministers ended up all living on that one road next to the republican palace [Jamal Street] and that was why the family home was there.

I had visited Sanaa, where my parents grew up, every so often since I was little. Despite having a level of familiarity with their home town, it was this road trip to see the whole country that was a game-changer. 

Sanaa, Yemen

Seeing all of the old buildings and heritage sites with them, I felt like I fully understood the level of pride they had for their country. Sanaa claims to be the oldest continuously inhabited city on the planet, although everywhere in the Middle East claims that. We think we are lucky living in London, which is old and gorgeous, but Sanaa is something else. Tim Mackintosh-Smith, the travel writer, describes it as “Old Testament”. It was like being on holiday in a museum.

I’m not your average Yemeni: I’m lighter skinned and, at 5ft 10in, I’m exceptionally tall. This meant that, when we were stopped by the military, I was constantly singled out and, despite showing them my official papers, they insisted on giving us a military escort to prevent us from being kidnapped. It was mostly frustrating and would lead to arguments. Here I was, a young twentysomething, with these men refusing to believe I was ethnically the same as them. Plus, having a military escort is no fun at that age.

My interest in palaeoanthropology was just emerging at the time. The landscape and the architecture in Yemen is astounding. There’s a place called Shibam Hadramawt, known as the “Manhattan of the Desert”, which is full of amazing nine- or 10-storey skyscrapers, made completely from mud. The city is a lived-in Unesco World Heritage site and my brothers loved running along the bridges linking the buildings, which were built because there were no escalators or lifts between floors.

Shibam Hadramawt, Yemen

Visiting the country’s rich archaeological sites and meeting many of the archaeologists fuelled my interest. One of the most significant was the late Mohammed Al-Halabi from the Yemeni department of antiquities. He was keen on getting me to join him and the teams he worked with, as he wanted to see people of Yemeni descent doing archaeology. I think he saw people like me, third-culture kids, as a bridge, and it breaks my heart to watch so many of the historic sites that we visited being threatened by the constant bombardment of conflict.

Right now, it’s too dangerous for me to revisit them, but I learnt some huge lessons on the trip. I now specialise in exploring hostile, disputed and politically unstable areas and my Yemen road trip solidified my understanding of risk. It made me realise the insanity of guns and grenades can coexist with the normality of going to school, getting married and having dinner. It also taught me the importance of blending in, a skill I still use on so many of my explorations, although it is even more tricky with a film crew in tow.

At the end of the day, I’m just a girl from Birmingham. It is such a new town, built quickly during the industrial revolution, so it was quite jarring to contrast that modern notion of myself when faced with these layers of family history, in an ancient country. One day, it’s my dream to return to Yemen with the television cameras and to show the rest of the world what a beautiful country it is.

As told to Nick McGrath

Jungle Mystery: Lost Kingdoms of the Amazon, is on Channel 4 on Saturday evenings. Times vary. The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office advises against all travel to Yemen.
