Fergie is looking pregnant

INFDaily snagged this picture of Fergie leaving a sushi restaurant with her fiance, Josh Duhamel, and she’s looking pregnant. She was really pretty before all that plastic surgery, so their baby is likely to be cute. Or it could suffer from “Rumeritis” and end up with the worst features from each of them. You never know how that wheel of fate is going to spin.

People were whispering after the Grammy Awards that Fergie looked pregnant in that yellow dress she wore. Her mom called into Ryan Seacrest’s show afterwards and said that she was “absolutely positive” that her daughter was not pregnant and that people must be starting that rumor due to her engagement.

Five weeks later and it looks like the evidence is growing. If she is pregnant, congratulations to both of them. This looks like a pregnancy and not a Kate Hudson fashion-type situation, but I could be wrong. Commentors on D-Listed note that they attended her Houston concert yesterday and that she didn’t look pregnant at all:

i just saw her at the houston rodeo tonight. she is not pregnant…or at least not showing. she had tight clothes and no tummy. fergie was really puffy looking. that could be the result of so many different things.

her performance at the rodeo….um….to be nice….it was interesting.

[Comment by sarah jean on D-Listed]

Just got back from her concert in houston and she is def NOT pregs!!! she was dancing and showing her stomach! and she looked like a toothpick!

[Comment by Rodeo Houston on D-Listed]

My vote is on a pregnancy, but we’ll have to wait and see.

Thanks to INFDaily for the header image, which was used by permission. You can see more photos of pregnant Fergie on their website.
