devon malloy obituary and devon malloy attorney

On February 28, 2023, Pittsburgh associate attorney Devon Malloy died tragically. Devon Malloy—known as Casti—died at 35. The family had not yet disclosed her death's circumstances. Her kindness and beauty will be missed.

Devon Alyse Malloy (Casti) was born in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, in 1988 and raised in New Germany's forests with her three sisters. She studied law at Ohio Northern University after graduating from Forest Hills High School. She married Christopher Malloy, "Chris," in 2016.

She practiced law in Johnstown and Pittsburgh and served as Allegheny County co-chair and Mock Trial Program co-coordinator for the Pennsylvania Bar Association's Young Lawyers Section. Devon inherited her father's humor.

Her 35-year one-woman show of contagious joy and crazy pranks drew you in. She laughed at herself first, but her mother, grandmother, and sisters laughed best. As long as it didn't require sensible shoes, she was always dressed appropriately. Devon loved family. Since she took care of everyone, she was called "Little Mother" from the start.

She planned Christmas meals, game nights, girl's nights, and egg hunts a month ahead. She always helped, listened, and cried. Devon's loss is incalculable, but she shines brightest. We hear her laugh, miss her at every family gathering, and take comfort in knowing she touched so many lives.

The Charles O. Dimond Funeral Home, Inc., South Fork, will receive guests from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday, March 3. 11 a.m.–1 p.m. March 4. Father Joseph C. Nale will officiate at St. John's Catholic Church in Summerhill's 1 p.m. funeral mass on Saturday, March 4. The family will accept donations for a higher education scholarship in her memory instead of flowers.

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"Devon malloy, you will be perpetually missed, yet always remembered," the sheriff's specialization said in a proclamation. "We all extend our love, petitions, considerations, and sympathies to Devon malloy, his companions, and associates."

Devon malloy cause of death naturally

On February 28th, 2023, Associate Attorney Devon Malloy, who had been practicing law in the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, passed away unexpectedly. Devon Malloy, who was also known by her nickname Casti, passed away when she was 35 years old. She was a beloved daughter, sister, aunt, and wife. At the time this article was written, her family had not said anything about the details of how she died. Her warm and kind nature, as well as her charming personality, will be greatly missed.

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A Prayer for Devon malloy and for Those Who Love Her

O God of the Living and the Dead, please bless Devon malloy, who we hope has come into your realm today. Award harmony, light, and everlasting youth to her who has been taken from us while still a kid. May he always be aware of the tinge of your affection and the gleam of your light in your vast domain. Look delicately upon her family, whose hearts are overburdened with distress. Stroll with them; console them; encompass them with heavenly messengers to lift them from the profundity of their grievous misfortune. at long last. We stand as a family in our moments of triumph and bliss; grant us the mental fortitude to remain as a family even in the absence of Devon malloy. May we console each other with expressions of confidence, trust, and love. Persuade our hearts that everything works for the good of those who trust in God. So be it.

Who is Devon malloy?

Devon Alyse Malloy, whose birth name was Casti, spent her childhood in the woods of New Germany with her three sisters after being born in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, in 1988. She went to Forest Hills High School for high school. After that, she went to the University of Pittsburgh in Johnstown to study political science and political communication, and then to Ohio Northern University to study law. During her time in law school, she became engaged to the man who would become her husband, Christopher Malloy, better known as "Chris."

She went on to work as an attorney at firms in Johnstown and Pittsburgh, in addition to holding positions with the Pennsylvania Bar Association's Young Lawyers Section, including those of co-chair for Allegheny County and co-coordinator of the Mock Trial Programs. The innate sense of humor that Devon possessed was definitely something that she got from her dad.

You couldn't help but be drawn to her because her life was a 35-year-long one-woman show that was driven by her contagious pleasure and crazy pranks, and you couldn't help but be drawn to her. She was the first person to laugh at herself, but her mother, grandmother, and sisters provided her with the funniest moments of her life. She always had the appropriate outfit for any event, as long as it didn't require her to wear shoes that required her to be sensible. Devon had a strong sense of responsibility toward her family. Since she was always making sure that everyone else was taken care of, she earned the nickname "Little Mother" almost immediately.

A month in advance, she planned Christmas meals and activities such as game nights, girl's nights, and egg hunts. She was always willing to lend a helping hand, an ear to listen, or a shoulder to cry on when someone needed it. Devon has suffered an immeasurable amount of loss, but she continues to shine brighter than any other light. We see her in every smile, we feel her absence at every family get-together, and we take solace in the knowledge that she made a difference in the lives of so many people.

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