'Mighty Mouse' Demetrious Johnson recently shared warm words with the Lee family. Earlier this month, it was revealed that Victoria Lee had passed away at the age of just 18.

'The Prodigy' Victoria Lee was the younger sister of ONE Championship world titleholders Angela and Christian Lee. She was undefeated in the ONE circle, having made her debut at the age of 16. She spent a year away to focus on her schooling and was booked for a comeback before the news of her passing was released.

While speaking to SCMP MMA in an interview, Demetrious Johnson said:

"Yeah, I got to bury my sister and it was hard. There are no words to say to make everybody feel better. A parent shouldn’t have to bury their child, a child should be burying their parents. My condolences to the Lee family and I wish them nothing but just privacy and peace."

See the full interview below:

Angela Lee was the first to report the news. On Instagram, she shared:

"On December 26, 2022 our family experienced something no family should ever have to go through... It is incredibly difficult to say this... Our Victoria passed away. She has gone too soon and our family has been completely devastated since then. We miss her. More than anything in this world. Our family will never be the same. Life will never be the same."

Demetrious Johnson's next match in the ONE circle

'Mighty Mouse' Demetrious Johnson will next return to the ONE circle on May 5, headlining ONE Fight Night 10 on Prime Video. The fight card will be ONE Championship's inaugural event on US soil, hosted at the 1STBANK Center in Colorado.

The main event will be a trilogy match with Johnson's ONE flyweight world title on the line against 'Mikinho' Adriano Moraes. In an interview with ONE, 'Mighty Mouse' recalled:

“I came back and fought Adriano where I thought I was going to fight somebody else... But with the ONE Championship and Amazon Prime deal, Chatri [Sityodtong] wanted to have a banger for the first inaugural [show]. I didn’t disappoint, I believe. I went out there and put on a great fight and finished Adriano. I’m still healthy and blessed. I can’t complain, it’s been a great year.”

ONE Fight Night 10 will be free for Amazon Prime subscribers in North America. The event will be broadcast during US primetime on May 5. The trilogy between Demetrious Johnson and Adriano Moraes is set as the main event.

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