All characters ranked (December 2023)

Outerplane lets you collect over 40 characters with unique roles, elemental types, and upgradable abilities. You create a team of four and fight against enemies in various game modes. The developers at Smilegate keep introducing new characters and adjusting existing ones with every update. So, choosing the best units for your squad and upgrading might be challenging.

This article lists all Outerplane characters ranked according to their battle prowess for December 2023.

Valentine and Natalie are at the top of Outerplane’s December 2023 tier list

Outerplane characters have playstyles differentiated by the roles performed on the battlefield: Defender, Ranger, Mage, Striker, and Healer. Additionally, they have one of these five elemental types: Fire, Earth, Water, Light, and Dark. The elements cyclically interact with each other, dealing an additional 20% damage upon enemies with weaker element types. However, Light and Dark elements exclusively interact with each other and are neutral against the other three.

Thus, every unit in this article is ranked into SS, S, A, B, and C tiers. The mightiest units are listed under SS, whereas the weakest ones are in C, like other gacha tier lists.

SS tier

Veronica is one of the best defenders in this gacha title (Image via Smilegate Holdings)

If you want winning results in almost every match, include the characters in this tier. These units are the most powerful and more robust than every other in this mobile gacha title’s current meta.

Here are all SS-tier units:

  • Valentine
  • Natalie
  • Ame
  • Mene
  • Kate
  • Noa
  • Akari
  • Eternal
  • Veronica
  • Rhona
  • Rin

S tier

Hanbyul is an Earth-type Defender in this mobile gacha title (Image via Smilegate Holdings)

This S-tier offers units capable of clearing up to mid- and some end-game content. In the absence of SS-tier characters, the following units are the best options for your team:

  • Tio
  • Alpha
  • Hanbyul Lee
  • Astei
  • Epsilon
  • Drakhan
  • Tamaras
  • Notia
  • Christina
  • Eliza
  • Beth
  • Aer
  • Francesca
  • Saeran
  • Leo
  • Iris
  • Idith
  • Dolly
  • Snow
  • Maxwell
  • Stella
  • Adelie


Sterope in Outerplane (Image via Smilegate Holdings)

These A-tier characters make your in-game journey easy until you’ve cleared early content. If you intend to use them further, upgrade them whenever possible in this anime-style title. With proper upgrades and the best equipment, these units can wreak havoc in mid- and some late-game stages.

Below are all A-tier units:

  • Sterope
  • Sofia
  • Lyla
  • Marian
  • Cindy
  • K
  • Eva
  • Alice
  • Laplace
  • Parti


Rico in Outerplane (Image via Smilegate Holdings)

B-tier characters are good until you’ve cleared early content; after that, give them a rest and opt for characters that rank at SS, S, or A tiers. Don't waste most of your resources on them; upgrade when needed.

Listed below are the B-tier characters:

  • Lily
  • Yuri
  • Naru Kang
  • Laine
  • Rico
  • Claire
  • Theo
  • Lisha
  • Ritri
  • Shu
  • Tanya
  • Pesketh

C tier

Orox in Outerplane (Image via Smilegate Holdings)

These characters are currently the least chosen for every situation in this adventure RPG title. Beginners can use them to understand the meta and familiarize themselves with the gameplay:

  • Fenrir
  • Sigma
  • Flamberge
  • Guizam
  • Orox
  • Philia
  • Vera

That concludes our Outerplane tier list for December 3, 2023.

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